Train fares for all trains departing from Dong Hoi to Hanoi
Unit: USD

Train from Dong Hoi to Hanoi

Departs Arrives Train No Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Berth(6) Soft Berth(4)
19:30 05:55 Reunification Express Train SE2 10hr 25min N/A $39 $49 $52 Book
18:49 05:30 Reunification Express Train SE4 11hr 41min N/A $37 $47 $50 Book
17:23 04:17 Reunification Express Train SE6 11hr 54min $30 $35 $43 $46 Book
07:02 19:12 Reunification Express Train SE8 12hr 10min $30 $35 $43 $46 Book
00:53 12:33 Reunification Express Train SE20 12hr 40min N/A N/A N/A N/A Book
16:50 04:35 Reunification Express Train QB2 12hr 45min N/A N/A N/A N/A Book
18:42 05:25 Damitrans SE4 11hr 43min N/A N/A N/A $63 Book
23:51 11:30 Laman Express Train SE20 N/A N/A N/A $76 Book
Please select a returning train?

Train return from Hanoi to Dong Hoi

Departs Arrives Train No Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Berth(6) Soft Berth(4)
21:10 07:53 Reunification Express Train SE1 11hr 43min N/A $36 $53 $58 Book
19:25 05:58 Reunification Express Train SE3 11hr 33min N/A $36 $55 $58 Book
19:40 06:02 Reunification Express Train SE19 10hr 22min N/A N/A N/A $67 Book
15:30 02:19 Reunification Express Train SE5 11hr 49min N/A $35 $49 $52 Book
06:10 16:35 Reunification Express Train SE7 10hr 25min N/A $34 $47 $50 Book
19:55 06:22 Reunification Express Train QB 10hr 27min N/A N/A N/A N/A Book
19:50 06:02 Lotus Express Train SE19 10hr 12min N/A N/A N/A $69 Book
19:50 06:02 Laman Express Train SE19 10hr 12min N/A N/A N/A $76 Book
19:20 05:21 Damitrans SE3 10hr 1min N/A N/A N/A $63 Book
21:20 08:22 Reunification Express Train SE11 11hr 2min N/A N/A N/A N/A Book

+ SE19, SE20 Train don't operate from 5th February till 15th March, 2015. So, Please choose another train for your journey!


• The railway from Dong Hoi station to Hanoi station is about 522 Kilometers. There are 4 trains including SE2, SE4, SE6 and SE8 (which belong to Reunification Express train) train on this route. They depart every day and take about 10 hours (From Dong Hoi to Hanoi or return). The types of seats include the hard seat, the soft seat, hard berth (6 berths) and the sort berth (4 berths), called cabin. Each of the cabins is designed with the air-conditioner and the comfortable seat. 

The SE6 train had not been existed the 4 berths cabin for all of routes. Please choose SE2, SE4 and SE8 if you want have this cabin.

Dong Hoi station is at Sub-regional 4 (Tiểu Khu 4), Nam Ly Ward, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh. This station is only one gate and very big. So, you can arrive the station very clearly by Taxi or Xe Om.
• Hanoi station has two gates. The Main gate located at 120 Le Duan street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. This Gate is usually for South-bound train. And the Station B located at Tran Quy Cap street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi usually for North train as Sapa.
Both of station have the waiting hall for passengers. You can wait for the train at there if you have a long time.


• Under 2 years:  Travel free

• From 2 to under 5 years old (and shorter than 1.3m):  Price will be 75% of adult price for the North - South trains and and vice versa. But for trains Hanoi - Sapa and vice versa, the children will have to pay full price like the adults!

• Over 5 years old: 100% of adult price.


• Carry-on Bags: The train cabins are allowed to carry baggages not to exceed the weight limitation of 20 kgs of adults and 10 kgs of children. These baggages are wrapped neatly and reliably.